6 Tips for Being Successful in Graduate School

Starting a graduate program in mechanical engineering is very different from your undergraduate program. You will take fewer classes, but you will also now have a large part of your time devoted to independent research as you work to complete a thesis or dissertation. This article is meant to help you find successful strategies sooner in graduate school, so hopefully, you can get through your program more efficiently and enjoy it more.

Good Design: Garbage Cans In Brazil

I’m not usually fascinated with garbage cans… in fact, I’ve never been fascinated with garbage cans before. But the variety and diversity of garbage cans throughout the small city of Itacoatiara, on the banks of the Amazon river, was too great to ignore.

Everyone Can Teach You Something About Design: Lessons From the Amazon

As we sit on the shore of the Amazon River, watching the sun go down, we reflect on the time we have spent in Brazil and the things we learned. We learned about culture, the kindness of the people, the toll that 36 straight hours of travel takes on your body, and the dolphins that inhabit the river. One of the most important lessons we learned was that everyone can teach you something about design, and the importance of humility as a designer.

The Risky Business of Design

If skateboard legend Tony Hawk were a design engineer, what do you think his design process would be? We suspect he would not settle for the obvious. Choosing a final concept during the design process can be challenging and risky. Teams generate many ideas during the concept development phase, and it can be difficult to select the best one. On rare occasions, choosing two concepts and taking them further into the design process at the same time is better than just choosing one.

Three Unexpected Tips for Writing Better Technical Papers

After you have done good technical work such as discovering something new, or developing a new technology, your goal in a technical paper is to share those findings with other people. This is not as easy as it sounds. In this article, I share three tips for refining your technical writing that you won’t find anywhere else, but that I am sure will make your writing more readable and trustworthy.

Learn to Sketch: Shading and Shadowing Cylinders

Until recently, how to shade and shadow cylindrical objects has been a mystery to me. I had known there should be areas on the surface shaded lighter and others darker, but I didn’t quite know where those should be. Understanding the physics and practicing the sketches in a detailed way (a few times) helped me lock in the core concepts. Now I can sketch them quickly without trouble. This article shares the physics and provides a step-by-step process for skill building.