Have you seen the movie Elf? If not, you’re missing out on a good story with some neat applications of forced perspective. The designers of the film did some good design.
Have you seen the movie Elf? If not, you’re missing out on a good story with some neat applications of forced perspective. The designers of the film did some good design.
We want to say thank you for being a part of the BDR community and supporting us! The BDR continues to grow and we hope to make the BDR even better in 2022 to help you be a better designer.
Discover six ways to emulate the world’s most respected video game designer. Whether you’re an engineer, and artist, a coder, or an entrepreneur, these universal designer attributes are sure to power up.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Second Annual BYU Design Review Competition! We had some great entries that solved a variety of different pain points for different types of scissor users. Without further ado, the winner is…
Welcome to the holidays! As exciting and festive a time of year this is, this time of year also heralds end of year reports, final exams and projects, and unforgiving deadlines. We hope this list inspires you to give the gift of creativity to a friend, associate, or family member.
The Tenth Face of Innovation is The Storyteller. Life is full of stories and being able to tell a good one can make all the difference in the world.
The Fender Precision Bass Guitar has been a best selling bass for 70 years. What made this design so good?
The music scene is one of the most collaborative and communal industries - from writing and performing to producing and touring. Such collaborative products have proven that “the [chord] is greater than the sum of the [notes]”.
“Follow your Passion.” Is that good advice or not? Like most things, the answer might be a little more complicated.
At the rate humans are using ecological resources, we would need 1.7 earths to achieve sustainability [1]. The major problem here is that we only have one earth. The circular economy aims to reduce the need for the extraction of new resources.
Welcome to Autumn! The Fall is the season for trees changing their colors, warmer jackets, and career fairs. Don’t miss out on learning about, and preparing for, an important step that can set you up for an amazing career.
This part of the Design Thinking series describes the mindset of expert designers. The article argues that the mindset of Design Thinking is enabling and freeing because it represents the beliefs that the designer uses to choose good design actions at appropriate times given the unique characteristics of the problem being solved.
Every single product that has been made, is currently being made, or will be made has economic, environmental, and social impacts. How can we design to have better impacts and what are social impacts? Read on to find out.
It’s time to design. Again!
Another academic year is starting. COVID-19 continues to impact the world of engineering education, but certain things will always remain like CAD, Hooke’s Law, and projects that may seem enormous (Pro tip: start on them now!).
I am often inspired by design triumphs in history, but there is one design that has particularly influenced me. It is a humble design: an odometer made from wood for covered wagons that was never put into mass production. Part of what makes it interesting is that it was done under harsh conditions with the goal to help other people and it would become a legendary part of an epic exodus and the settlement of the Western United States.
Design Thinking is not new. It’s been around for decades. The first attempt to turn it into a process was in 1969. Contemporary forms of that process still exist today, the most popular being the 5-step process introduced by the Stanford Design School in 2005. This article describes that process and other techniques that will help you try-out Design Thinking.
The Olympics are an amazing event everyone should enjoy. But the Olympics are also incredibly hard to design for and offer a couple of lessons we can all transfer to our other projects.
Design Thinking is a powerful and popular topic, but it is also illusive and ill-defined. This article demystifies Design Thinking just enough so you can begin benefitting from what it offers. This is the first of a 5 part series on Design Thinking, where this first part provides basic definitions, view points, history, and Design Thinking exercises.
Anyone who has designed anything -- whether that be a new medicine, a design method, or even a new recipe -- has faced the question: “Is this better than what I had before?” If you’re just deciding whether or not you like a new recipe, getting an answer is straightforward. If you are in an academic or industrial setting you must also answer an even more important question: “Can I prove that this is better?”