Most Read Articles of 2021

Most Read Articles of 2021

As 2021 comes to a close, and we reflect on the list of the most read articles of the year we see articles as varied as the rollercoaster of 2021. We see articles about great designs, things to move your career forward, inspirational people, and lessons from history. Take a look at the top articles from the year, catch up on what you missed, and maybe share them with a friend to help us all be better designers.

Good Design: Fender Precision Bass Guitar by Chris Mattson

  • The Fender Precision Bass Guitar has been one of the top selling products in the category for decades. Learn how it was able to achieve that through good design choices.

  • A favorite quote from the article: “It is difficult for me to imagine specific product models from any industry that top the sales charts for 70 years. The Volkswagen Beetle, the Rubik’s Cube, the Lego Brick, the BIC ballpoint pen; very few products have had such success, but the Fender Precision Bass is one of them.”

Christmas Gift Ideas for Design Engineers 2021 by the BDR Editorial Board

  • Your go to list for engineer gift ideas or share the list with someone you know if you want something off the list.

Getting the Most Out of a Career Fair by Monte Marshall

  • Monte Marshall shares great advice for navigating career fairs and finding a job.

  • A favorite quote from the article: “Are career fairs worth the time? The answer is a resounding “Yes!” However, the problem is that most students don’t understand career fairs and they go into them unprepared and without a strategy. Realistic expectations, proper preparation, and follow-up are keys to getting the most out of a career fair.”

Inspiration from History: Design in the Wilderness by Larry Howell

  • Take a lesson from history and learn about the design of a wagon odometer built in a resource constrained setting.

  • A favorite quote from the article: “It is worth learning from other designers, whether from history or from our contemporaries. We can be forewarned by their failures and inspired by their accomplishments and the impact of their contributions.”

Realizing that you’re Good Enough by Samuel McKinnon

  • 2021 has been a tough year, and it has taken its toll on many of us. Take some time to read this and make your mental health a priority.

  • A favorite quote from the article: “Feeling good enough is a difficult feeling to hold onto, and sometimes you feel like no one in the world even cares. But for anyone out there waiting for a text message to pull you out from underneath the desk, this is it. Don’t give up, don’t quit. You’ve done hard things before and you can do them again. Keep persevering, reach out to get the help you need, and as the days turn to months turn to years you’ll find success.”

Graham Wallas: The Creative Process by Chris Mattson

  • The creative process can be difficult to put into words sometimes, Graham Wallas defined the process and gives tips to guide you in creative work.

  • A favorite quote from the article: “Graham Wallas proposed one of the first formal models of the creative process. Simple and insightful, this model has continued to inspire creative people throughout the world.”

Good Design: Chaco Sandals by Jason Glenn

  • Chaco Sandals have almost a cult following. In the outdoor community you’ll know a Chaco wearer from the distinctive tan lines on their feet. Learn how Chaco achieved such a following through good design principles.

  • A favorite quote from the article: “Chaco built a product that is designed to last. They built a product that is customizable, allowing for both individuality and the feeling of being part of a collective group.”

Good Design: The VODA Heat Powered Stove Fan by Samuel McKinnon

  • A fan that uses no electricity? Read about the symbiotic relationship that the VODA fan uses to make wood burning stoves better.

  • A favorite quote from the article: “Design is a broad field. In this article, we’ve covered crocodiles, 747s, dead flashlights, and (tried to?) relate them to stove top fans. VODA’s heat powered stove fan reminds us of the importance of efficient power, aesthetic and safety, and user friendliness. Kudos to VODA for making a good first impression with their product and blowing me away with their design.”

Puzzles are a Designer’s Best Friend by John Salmon

  • Take a few minutes and learn why puzzles are important for a designer and do a few puzzles yourself as you go through the article.

  • A favorite quote from the article: “Looking at a thing with new eyes in new ways from new angles is an essential skill to develop in order to design or invent something new. The person who can perceive something differently can do wonders (and design wonders!).”

Design Thinking Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 by Chris Mattson

  • Design thinking can be a powerful tool in your design toolbox. Learn how you can implement it to improve your design practice.

  • A favorite quote from the article: “As someone interested in design, it is important for you to know about Design Thinking. With the information provided in this article, you now have a basic understanding of what Design Thinking is, where it came from, and when it can be applied. A fundamental truth about Design Thinking is that it’s not enough to just know about it -- it also needs to be practiced. Without practice, the core concepts remain ethereal, and never sink in and become a way of thinking, which is how Design Thinking is most powerful.”

Five Articles From 2021 You May Have Missed

Five Articles From 2021 You May Have Missed

Design in Christmas Movies: Elf and the Forced Perspective

Design in Christmas Movies: Elf and the Forced Perspective