Andrew Cousins


Andrew is a Senior in the Manufacturing Engineering Department at BYU. He has a lot of design experience and loves making things that are technically functional and aesthetically pleasing. Andrew is eager to help everyone learn about the entire design process.

Emelia Sunday

Associate Editor

Emelia is a Mechanical Engineering student with many different interests. She is a research assistant for the Structural Dynamics lab, but she hopes to get into the product development and design aspect of engineering to improve aerospace possibilities.


John Salmon


Although not a student, John is a student of design - there is always more to learn and apply. He thinks innovation and creativity are the highest forms of intelligence and he believes design is at the core of making the world and oneself better.


Chris Mattson


While extroverts get their energy from being with people, and introverts get their energy from being alone, Chris gets his energy from creating things; alone and in groups! You will always find him working on a new project; he truly is a creative!

Editorial Board members

Joselyn Cortes

Blake Ipsen

Dylan Conover

Hunter Scullin

Amber Glorius

Taylor Heiner

Nicholas Hardman


The BYU Design Review is a collection of short design-related editorials, interviews, product reviews, and commentaries on design techniques.

 Content focuses on traditional applications of engineering design but also addresses contemporary examples of design in the profession, design in our lives, and design in the world.

 All content is peer-reviewed and curated by the BYU Design Review editorial board and reviewers. Potential contributors interested in submitting content should contact the editorial board at

We sincerely hope you enjoy what is created and shared in the BYU Design Review.