Designing Sailboats to go 60 mph

America’s Cup is one of the most interesting sporting events in the world, from a design perspective. No, it isn’t the hardest-hitting sport, and the boats don’t reach Formula 1 speeds. The interesting part is that the winner gets to make the rules, and set the location for the next competition.

Good Design: Chaco Sandals

The Chaco is an adventurist’s sandal designed to last a lifetime. They were first made in 1989 in the garage of a river rafting guide. Due to their cultish-like devoted customer base and high prices many people seek to stay clear of them. However, I caved about 3 years ago and bought my first pair.

Good Design: The VODA Heat Powered Stove Fan

A common deficiency in heating a room with a wood stove is that the heated air accumulates around the ceiling or dissipates off of the exhaust pipe instead of spreading out to fill the room. Stove top fans solve this problem by blowing hot air next to the stove into the rest of the room. Let’s look into the relationship between the fan, the stove, and the consumer for design principles we can apply to our future projects.

Connecting the Dots Backwards: Not Knowing What We Don’t Know, Part 1

Because we have so much information at our fingertips via smart devices and the internet many students complain at having to learn (especially memorize) anything. The common response by students is that this is a waste of time and that these things can always be looked up in the future. Well they certainly can. That isn’t the point I am debating. The problem is that you can only look up things that you know you don’t know.

Designing Goals

With the start of the new year come new year’s resolutions and goals that often fall by the wayside within the first few months. Maybe you have fitness goals or career goals or a new hobby you want to pick up. Here are some tips that I think could be helpful for you in setting goals that you can achieve.

Designing Your Year

It’s that time when many of us reflect on what we have accomplished and what we might like to change in our lives. Whether or not you set new year’s resolutions there are important parts of the design process that can help you design a better year for yourself.