Getting the Most out of Digital Calipers

If your job involves product or part geometry, I believe you should own and use a pair of digital calipers. They are one of the most important measurement tools to access the details of the geometry you’re working with. Even if your job is purely theoretical, it can be helpful to simply use the calipers to visualize the size and scale of features you’re specifying or being asked to work with.

The Covid-19 Utah Mask: An interview with Michael Horito

As Co-Vid 19 evolved from an epidemic to a pandemic, there was a global shortage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Desperate to help, makers began printing reusable masks in the hope to aid those on the front-lines. Rocketship, a product design firm based in Provo, was one of the many that answered the call. They designed what has become to be known as the "Utah mask". Michael Horito, from Rocketship, talked to us about their efforts.

The Third Face of Innovation: The Cross-Pollinator

There are clear benefits of knowing a little about a lot (i.e. breadth) and there are clear advantages of knowing a lot about a little (i.e. depth). Of course, it’s better to know a lot about a lot, but that’s unquestionably difficult to achieve. Cross-Pollinators are generally classified in the former category (breadth) although they often have at least one domain of expertise too. 

Learn to Sketch: Part 3

As engineers we often need to conceptualize (and sketch) specific geometry such as specific wing shapes, specific gear trains, or a new component that needs to fit in a specific spot on an existing device. In this article, I’ll share a few insights and exercises designed to help you produce sketches of specific geometry, including cross-section sketches, and exploded-view sketches.