All in Short Course

Design for Manufacturing Series: Additive Manufacturing

This article examines the transformative impact of 3D printing across various industries, from aerospace to construction and even culinary arts. It offers practical design tips for optimizing your prints, such as adjusting support structures, infill percentages, and finishing techniques to enhance both functionality and aesthetics. Learn how to leverage these insights to elevate your projects and harness the full potential of this versatile technology.

A Brief Overview of Manufacturing Processes

As designers, we should be aware of as many manufacturing processes as possible. The more processes we know about, the more effectively we are able to manufacture a good product. This article will provide you with a short list of processes in which you can find inspiration for how to best make your product.

Design Thinking Part 4: Framing and Reframing Design Problems

Problem framing is about uncovering the actual problem worth solving – which is often hidden to everyone when the design process begins. A key part of framing and reframing is to see the problem from various perspectives and to search for best match between the problem frames and the solution candidates. This article provides the basics of problem framing and positions it as the backbone of Design Thinking.

Learn to Sketch: Shading and Shadowing Cylinders

Until recently, how to shade and shadow cylindrical objects has been a mystery to me. I had known there should be areas on the surface shaded lighter and others darker, but I didn’t quite know where those should be. Understanding the physics and practicing the sketches in a detailed way (a few times) helped me lock in the core concepts. Now I can sketch them quickly without trouble. This article shares the physics and provides a step-by-step process for skill building.

Learn to Sketch: Part 3

As engineers we often need to conceptualize (and sketch) specific geometry such as specific wing shapes, specific gear trains, or a new component that needs to fit in a specific spot on an existing device. In this article, I’ll share a few insights and exercises designed to help you produce sketches of specific geometry, including cross-section sketches, and exploded-view sketches.