All in Career & Professionalism

Self-Made: A Conversation with Drew Henry

Many people have asked if it is possible to become an engineer without a degree. When we pose this question to Google, we get more than 30 million results in response to this question. Answers ranged from a solid no to multiple sites listing jobs in engineering that don’t require a degree. In reality, it depends on the field, the job, and often where you live. To learn more about this path to engineering, we decided to interview a successful business-owner and self-taught engineer to get his take on this topic.

Getting the Most out of Digital Calipers

If your job involves product or part geometry, I believe you should own and use a pair of digital calipers. They are one of the most important measurement tools to access the details of the geometry you’re working with. Even if your job is purely theoretical, it can be helpful to simply use the calipers to visualize the size and scale of features you’re specifying or being asked to work with.

Book Review of "Product Development - Principles and Tools for Creating Desirable and Transferable Designs"

The recently published book “Product Development: Principles and Tools for Creating Desirable and Transferable Designs” is a unique addition to design resources available to students and engineering professionals interested in evolving their design ideas from the early stages of opportunity development all the way through to production.

Interdisciplinary Teams

So many things contribute to the success of a team-based project. It’s pretty clear, though, that the team itself is one of them. Team composition, purpose, goals, approach, and team member behavior are all variables that can be tuned to get a high performing team. This article shares thoughts on each of them.