Year in Review of the BYU Design Review - 2019

Year in Review of the BYU Design Review - 2019

Happy New Year!

Before providing the highlights from 2019 , we would like to give a heartfelt thank you to all of the BYU Design Review readers and contributors. We have enjoyed the feedback we have received and the inspiring conversations that have been sparked through the BYU Design Review. We sincerely hope you continue to read and contribute to the discussion.

Highlights from 2019:

  • The BYU Design Review (BDR) was launched on 11 September 2019. It has been public for 112 days. It can be accessed at or

  • A companion podcast is available at Apple Podcasts (BYU Design Review). 

  • Number Articles Published: 38 articles 

  • Number of Contributors: 13 

  • Number of Page Views: 5,765

  • Audience Size: 2,114 

  • Readership in the USA: Readers have accessed the BYU Design Review from all states except Alaska, North Dakota, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Delaware, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. 

    • 54.7% of readers are from Provo Utah (where BYU is located)

    • 13.0% of readers are from other parts of Utah.

    • 27.9% of readers are from other states in the USA.

    • 4.4% of readers are from places outside the USA.

  • International Readership: Readers originate from 28 countries (excluding the USA), with China having the most visits, followed by Canada, Costa Rica, and Denmark. Readers have accessed the BYU Design Review from all continents except Australia.  

  • The bounce rate (a measure of if people leave the site after visiting just one page): 60.67%, meaning 61% of visitors read the article they came for, then close the site. A lower bounce rate is better.  Most sites like the BYU Design Review have bounce rates between 70-98%. 

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Engineering from the Very Beginning

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