The mastery of Japanese wood joinery proves that Good Design is both functional and beautiful. With precise hand-carved joints, this technique has stood the test of time, influencing everything from furniture to architecture. Explore how these principles can transform the way we think about manufacturing and design!
Road construction is a hallmark of American road experiences – and it's not necessarily a cherished one. However, breakthroughs in nanotechnology hold promising possibilities to not only fix potholes but also reinforce infrastructure for decades to come. Dive into the design principles behind these concrete innovations in this brief discussion.
3? 3.14? 22/7? What is the best approximation of Pi? In this article, Dr. Chris Mattson explores this question and its implications to the world of design.
Women have driven groundbreaking advancements in engineering, from Stephanie Kwolek’s Kevlar to Ada Lovelace’s early programming concepts and Mary Jackson’s contributions to aerospace. This article celebrates their achievements and highlights the importance of diversity in STEM innovation.
Author Adam Rose explores two design lessons we can learn from the most prolific inventor in pop culture. From -Inator to -Inator, Dr. Doofenshmirtz showed us that engineering can solve problems and tell compelling stories.
Welcome to the fourth article in the Design for Manufacturing series! In this article, new BDR Editor Andrew Cousins shares a few insights into how you can integrate joining processes, specifically welding, into your next design project.
Not all leadership is by designated leaders. Learn to demonstrate grassroots leadership throughout your career using good character, integrity, effective communication, and collaborative problem solving.
One career that is open to designers and engineers lies in academia. Becoming a professor is no easy task, but Chris Mabey (a past BDR editor) has successfully taken this route. Read on to learn his path and some insights to how you can emulate this journey.
Learn how to design and craft your own piñata—a vibrant centerpiece for any gathering. Discover the rich history of this tradition, from its symbolic 7-point star to modern, fun designs. Follow this step-by-step guide to create a stunning piñata that’s sure to bring joy to your next celebration!
Ever wonder why grocery stores are designed the way they are? From enticing scents to strategic layouts, every detail is crafted to make you spend more while enjoying the experience. Discover the ingenious—and sometimes sneaky—design principles that turn shopping into an art form!
Dr. Nathan Usevitch and his team of students have entered NASA's BIG Idea Challenge competition! Learn about their extraordinary robot and principles of design from this dedicated group of engineers in this article.
Did you catch the top BYU Design Review articles in 2024? See the list here.
Engineering and Design are two very similar designs when it comes to product creation. Andrew Cousins explores the division between the two fields and offers some ideas on how to be a more well-rounded problem solver.
It’s Christmas Season! Read about The Nightmare Before Christmas and why it’s a great movie with some unique and impressive design elements.
You might not like it. Or you might be a big supporter. But you’ve probably heard, seen, and formed strong opinions about the Cybertruck. In this article, Mark McDonald explores some observations and discusses design decisions related to the application of “weirdness points” to this innovative design.
If you’re gift shopping for someone you know who is a designer or an engineer, this article is for you. (And if you are that designer or engineer, this article is definitely for you!)
From very prominent and obvious choices to the very small and seemingly inconsequential choices, design is everywhere. In this article, learn about what other people may conclude (correct or not) about you and the quality of your work based solely on the way you name your files.
Designing a new ice cream flavor is an adventure! Read what Dylan Conover discovered after talking to Chef John, an ice cream designer.
We’re celebrating the BDR’s third birthday this month! We want to introduce this year’s BDR team, and we’ve asked everyone to share some thoughts or advice for this upcoming school year. Best of luck with your studies, projects, and everything in between!
Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo… this is the NATO phonetic alphabet. What made this design so enduring that it survived the analog age, and the onset and proliferation of the digital age? Why was this design so universal that it is used throughout the world with only minor regional adaptations?
Welcome to Autumn! The Fall is the season for trees changing their colors, warmer jackets, and career fairs. Don’t miss out on learning about, and preparing for, an important step that can set you up for an amazing career.
Changes in our systems must happen everywhere, across all industries, and I believe engineers and designers have an important role and responsibility in the U.S’ plight against injustices.
Learn to Sketch: Part 1
Lenses to Interpret the Visual Form of Products and Why it Matters
Letter to the Editor
Send us your thoughts on the BYU Design Review and help us explore design together.