When you’re stuck on a problem, what do you do? Do you type the entire error message into google and search around ten year old forum entries for answers? Do you text all your smart friends and hope they get back to you within the fifteen minutes before your project is due?
While those are time proven paths to success, what you really need in moments like those are a good laugh and a gentle reminder that you’re not alone in your struggles. Celebrate April Fools’ Day and procrastinate your next assignment with these select engineering memes.
As we all know, every homework problem starts off by listing equations and given statements, so let’s start with these.
If you’re ever trying to decide whether to do a problem by hand or write some MATLAB code to solve it for you, remember this:
Wait, is your automation code not working? Try these debugging hacks—
Still not working? I don’t know how to break this to you but…
Alright alright moving on. How’s your physics game?
Is that minus sign in your two page math problem (because your code from earlier isn’t working) giving you a hard time? Don’t worry it’s ok.
Let’s think back to calculus and infinite series. Are you the kind of person that learns the fundamental concepts, memorizes everything, or… ?
Not trying to brag, but I made this meme back in the day. I’m a lot better at finding and sharing other people’s memes though than making my own. Kind of like my coding skills.
Now, for those special people in your life that make teamwork so worthwhile:
For anyone who’s reading this instead of focusing in their zoom class, this is your cue—I mean meme.
Anyways, back to where we started. When you are stuck or behind on complicated projects, there are two ways you can get back on track. One is by allotting more resources (such as time, funds, employees) and the other is by reducing the scope of the project. However, it can be a tough compromise. For instance:
Thanks for scrolling this far with us. If you still need some more laughs, here’s where I go for new meme content. Regardless of how hard the challenge is, whether or not you can fix it or need to scrap it and start over, keep on trying and you’ll one day find what you’re looking for. In the meantime, just make sure to stop and laugh every once in a while. Best of luck!
To cite this article:
McKinnon, Samuel. “Memegineering.” The BYU Design Review, 1 Apr. 2021,