The Rules of Work

In this article, I share direct quotes from six of Templar’s rules of work. These rules are all centered on one of the book’s ten themes: “Act One Step Ahead”. If you are going to move up in the company you have to practice the “mannerisms, attitudes, and managerial traits of the position above the one you currently hold. If you already look as if you’ve been promoted, chances are you will be.”

Pocket Prototyping

In engineering we frequently have questions to which we’d like practical answers to keep us moving forward. If a simple prototype will do, don’t forget to look in your pocket, your home, your lab, your hobbies, or just down the street.

Innovate (Safely) and Thrive

In a spurt of spontaneity, I found myself at BYU’s Cougar Skate event a few weeks back. I’d never been rink skating before, but my previous experiences with inline and ice skating left me with enough confidence that I didn’t look up any tutorials before heading for the Wilkinson Student Center. Though, I think my tailbone would’ve thanked me if I had.

Why Designers Make Prototypes

Have you been asked to make a prototype, or feel like you should be doing more prototyping, but you’re not quite sure why, or not quite sure how to get the most out of prototyping? This article presents 4 reasons designers make prototypes. Understanding these reasons and mapping them onto your project will unlock the power of prototypes and speed up your development efforts.

Barely Tolerance-able

My particular legal field, real estate, requires me to work with engineers frequently. But let me be absolutely frank with you. When I am arranging settlement meetings, I will do all I can to avoid inviting engineers. I do love you guys. But these meetings are about compromise, and engineers struggle with that. Why?

Ideation Techniques: Affinity Mapping

Engineers, scientists, and designers all gather data and then try to make sense of it later. We have equations and models to help us simulate this data. But we also have a problem – these tools were designed for numerical data, and not all data is solely quantitative. Affinity mapping is an abductive reasoning process that enables people to make sense of large amounts of subjective, qualitative, or observational data.