Interested in Contributing Work?

We have put together some guidelines in order to facilitate the process and answer most questions on how to submit your work.


The audience of the BYU Design Review is design enthusiasts of all types who can benefit from the content, including students, professionals, entrepreneurs, innovators, or anyone else interested in engineering design.

 Submission Guidelines

  1. Word count: Ranging between roughly 500 to 1000 words (approximately 1-2 typewritten pages).

  2. Submissions can be submitted in PDF, MS Word, LaTeX, or Plain Text format.

  3. Submissions should include the following:

    • Your name

    • Your position and two-line bio

    • The article you wish to be considered for the BYU Design Review

  4. Submissions should be inspirational, educational, or informational leaving the reader with feelings of “I want to try that on my next project” or “I would like to be more like that” or “I’m so excited about design” or “Wow, I didn’t know that. That’s interesting.”

  5. Submission topics should have a noticeable link to engineering design or to a general design principle that would be beneficial to engineering designers. Topics for submissions include but are not limited to:

    • Brief summary of a design method or tool, with thoughts about how you used, or saw the method used.

    • A description of a design principle that has been meaningful or helpful to you, and why.

    • A review of a new or old product to extract the principles behinds its success or failure in the marketplace.

    • The story of design in your life.

    • Important life lessons learned related to engineering design.

    • What is ________. (Fill in the blank). For example, what is sustainability? What is machine learning? What is block chaining? What is the 2nd law of thermodynamics and why should designers care?

    • Brief philosophical discussions about design and engineering.

    • Tips for successful design and/or engineering.

    • Tips for getting hired and/or workplace efficiency

    • Discussions of life as a ______. (Fill in the blank). For example, life as a chief engineer, life as a brand manager, life as a professor, life as PhD student, life as a team member, life as a student learning about design for the first time.

    • Case studies.

  6. Submissions should use accessible language that reflects the unique voice of the author.

Review Process

  1. Submissions are reviewed by the editorial board and authors are made aware of the outcome as soon as it is determined. The editorial board is committed to helping you produce an article that is well-suited for the BYU Design Review. The acceptance rate is roughly 50%.

  2. The review process centers on evaluating articles on how well the article supports the mission(link) of the BYU Design Review and on compliance to the guidelines discussed above. For articles pending acceptance, suggestions for edits will likely be made by the Editorial Board and the author given the opportunity to revise the submission.

  3. If accepted, the authors of articles with images must submit images as separate files with resolution of at least 200 dpi or 640 x 480 pixels.

Copyright Agreement

Authors of all articles retain the copyright of their own work and agree to allow the BYU Design Review to publish the article in the BYU Design Review royalty free.


The Editorial Board of the BYU Design Review reserves the right to accept, reject, and ultimately decide whether to publish articles submitted for publication in the BYU Design Review.

Have questions? email us!

Ready to submit?